Greater St. Louis, Inc. brought together legislative leaders from Missouri and Illinois today for the 2023 Bi-State Softball Showdown, which celebrates the bi-state, bipartisan cooperation that makes the St. Louis metro strong. The game took place on the field at Busch Stadium.
“St. Louis is resurgent, and the work our state legislators do in Jefferson City and Springfield is a key factor in our efforts to move the metro forward,” said GSL CEO Jason Hall. “We are very fortunate that our bi-state, bipartisan delegation works together to drive pro-growth policy in both state legislatures, and we want to take a moment to celebrate their efforts to move our metro forward.”
Team captains were Rep. Jay Hoffman of Illinois and Rep. Dr. John Patterson of Missouri. The players were:
Team Illinois: Rep. Jay Hoffman (Team Captain), Sen. Bill Cunningham, Rep. Jed Davis, Rep. Anthony DeLuca, Rep. Amy Elik, Rep. Marcus Evans, Jr., Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton, Sen. Mattie Hunter, Rep. Hoan Huynh, Sen. Adriane Johnson, Sen. Patrick J. Joyce, Rep. Michael J. Kelly, Rep. Lindsey LaPointe, Rep. Camille Y. Lilly, Sen. Steve McClure, Rep. Martin McLaughlin, Sen. Robert Peters, Sen. Jason Plummer, Rep. Robert “Bob” Rita, Rep. Wayne Rosenthal, Sen. Steve Stadelman, Rep. Katie Stuart, Sen. Dave Syverson, Sen. Doris Turner, Rep. Jawaharial Omar Williams, Rep. Patrick Windhorst, Rep. Lance Yednock.
Team Missouri: Rep. Jonathan Patterson (Team Captain), Rep. Steve Butz, Rep. Brad Christ, Rep. Ron Copeland, Rep. Bishop Davidson, Rep. Dane Diehl, Sen. Travis Fitzwater, Rep. Kurtis Gregory, Sen. Lincoln Hough, Rep. Holly Jones, Rep. Ben Keathley, Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer, Rep. Don Mayhew, Rep. Jeff Myers, Rep. Tara Peters, Rep. Raychel Proudie, Sen. Nick Schroer, Rep. Adam Schwadron, Rep. Mark Sharp, Rep. Brenda Shields, Rep. Justin Sparks.