Kehoe, Bell focused on creating jobs, helping businesses grow, and making communities stronger. 

To succeed in our mission of driving inclusive economic growth in the St. Louis metro, we must have partners in Jefferson City and Washington, D.C., who agree that growth is the top priority. To that end, Missouri’s August 6 primaries are of historic importance. Given the current political environment in Missouri, primary voters will effectively decide several key races on August 6, particularly the races for Missouri Governor and First Congressional District.  

The outcome of these primaries will impact the trajectory of Missouri and the St. Louis metro for decades. 

In our first four years as an organization, Greater St. Louis, Inc., has not formally endorsed a candidate for office. For most business groups, the conventional wisdom is to stay out of primary elections altogether. However, when the stakes are this high and the choices this clear, the conventional approach will not cut it. 

In the extraordinarily important primary contests for Missouri Governor and the First Congressional District of Missouri, we are putting a stake in the ground and publicly supporting the candidates who share our belief that economic growth must be the top priority for St. Louis and Missouri.  

Those candidates are Mike Kehoe for Governor and Wesley Bell for Congress. 

To be clear, these are two very different candidates. Kehoe is a conservative Republican. Bell is a progressive Democrat. We know we won’t agree on every issue – and we don’t expect to. However, we are confident we can find common ground on issues relating to jobs and economic development, and work together to put Missouri and St. Louis on the right track. 

Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis, Inc., recently explained GSL’s support for Kehoe and Bell in opinion columns published in the St. Louis Business Journal. Please take a moment to read why GSL is supporting these two candidates, and please make sure to make a plan to vote this August 6 and in this November’s general election.