STL 2030 Jobs Plan calls advanced manufacturing a “priority industry cluster” that can drive growth in the future
As part of its efforts to strengthen the St. Louis region’s advanced manufacturing sector, Greater St. Louis, Inc. joined Ranken Technical College today for a tour and roundtable discussion about how the metro can grow advanced manufacturing, including through workforce and talent development initiatives like those Ranken leads.
“As a partner in our successful effort to win the competitive federal Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grant, we wanted to come to Ranken Tech to highlight how our region has come together to work as one metro to make St. Louis a national center for advanced manufacturing,” said Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis, Inc.
“From the training taking place here at Ranken’s West campus to prepare our future workforce to the establishment of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Center at Ranken’s Main campus in St. Louis to develop the products and processes to move this industry forward, it is clear that advanced manufacturing is a critical part of our metro’s strategy to win this decade.”
Hall joined Ranken leadership to tour its advanced manufacturing job training facilities at the college’s Lincoln County Workforce Development Center in Troy, Missouri. After the tour the group joined area advanced manufacturing company and Lincoln County economic development leaders for a roundtable discussion, at which they discussed how to strengthen and grow the sector.
“Advanced manufacturing is driving our growth at Ranken and will be critical to the future of the St. Louis region,” said Don Pohl, President of Ranken Technical College. “We are focused on preparing the workforce to fill the needs of companies large and small and, in doing so, providing our community with good jobs and opportunities for success.”
- Advanced Manufacturing is named as a “priority industry cluster” in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan (see page 30).
- As the voice of the metro’s civic-minded business community, Greater St. Louis, Inc. coordinated the regional effort to win a $25 million competitive federal grant in the Build Back Better Regional Challenge that will go to strengthening the region’s advanced manufacturing sector.
- Ranken was part of the region’s successful Build Back Better Regional Challenge application.