ST. LOUIS – Greater St. Louis, Inc. Interim CEO Dustin Allison issued the following statement following today’s discussion at the Board of Aldermen on investing funds from the Rams settlement:
“St. Louis has pressing needs that require bold action and major investment. Today’s lack of action by the Board of Aldermen means those urgent needs continue to go unmet.
“Waiting doesn’t get St. Louis growing again, and we continue our call for the City to use Rams settlement funds to address depopulation in North St. Louis and revitalizing Downtown so that the City can expand its population and grow its tax base.
“We will continue our work to get St. Louis growing again and bring investment to disinvested neighborhoods and Downtown when the next session of the Board begins.”
Media Contact: Tony Wyche | 314-398-9991 | Tony@GreaterSTLInc.com