Great Rivers Greenway this week announced major support of Brickline Greenway from BJC Health System, Washington University, and Greater St. Louis, Inc. Significant investments from both BJC Health System and WashU push the $245 million public-private partnership past the halfway-funded mark, providing critical match for future federal funding applications. Greater St. Louis, Inc. stepped up its commitment by forming a working group of CEOs to support capital campaign efforts, further ensuring success for the project in 2025.
What is Brickline Greenway?
When complete in 2030, Brickline Greenway — a major public-private partnership led by Great Rivers Greenway — will be a network of 12+ miles of greenways, linking up to 14 neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis, connecting Forest Park to the Gateway Arch National Park, Fairground Park to Tower Grove Park, and hundreds of destinations in between. It is a bold vision to connect people and places, creating inspiring experiences and equitable opportunities for growth.
Why It Matters
The STL 2030 Jobs Plan names Brickline Greenway specifically, identifying its build-out as a critical action to restore the core of St. Louis and bolster economic growth in the city and beyond.
“More than just a free, accessible trail where people can exercise, commute or explore, the project’s goals include thinking about equitable economic opportunities for everyone to thrive,” explains Great Rivers Greenway. “The greenway aims to create dynamic, active spaces and serve as a regional gathering place that encourages collaboration and boosts civic pride.”
What the STL 2030 Jobs Plan Says
“Accelerating the build-out of the Brickline Greenway will bring one of the most ambitious and inclusive placemaking efforts in the country to fruition. Inclusion of this initiative in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan underscores its relevance to the plan’s broader aims of neighborhood revitalization, placekeeping, job creation and small business growth. It will be vitally important to raise capital for this exceptional project (at least in part through federal infrastructure investments) and seek out opportunities for enhancing the public benefits of the project through local hiring, value capture and other innovative mechanisms that keep value created in the surrounding communities.”
What Regional Leaders Are Saying
- WashU Chancellor Andrew D. Martin: “Brickline Greenway is a transformational project that we are thrilled to invest in because we value a vibrant, connected St. Louis where everyone has opportunities to thrive.”
- Richard Liekweg, Chief Executive Officer of BJC: “The research on how to best encourage and support people to make active, healthy choicesis very clear – it needs to be easy, safe, accessible and nearby. Brickline Greenway opens up a world of options to better the health of our patients, our staff and our community.”
- Dustin Allison, Interim CEO for GSL: “A priority project in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan, Brickline Greenway is estimated to provide a 2:1 return on investment, contribute to the revitalization of Downtown St. Louis, and connect people across neighborhoods to jobs and opportunity. Partnering to bring the campaign across the finish line is a natural fit for our collaborative approach to equitable growth in St. Louis.”
- Susan Trautman, Chief Executive Officer for GRG: “Brickline Greenway is a testament to the power of partnership and we’re so grateful to WashU, BJC, and GSL for their commitment and collaboration for this project’s bold vision and what it means for leveraging other funding to get this done for the community."