Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis, Inc., recently explained GSL’s support for Wesley Bell in an opinion column published in the St. Louis Business Journal. Please take a moment to read why GSL is supporting this candidate, and please make sure to vote this Aug. 6 and in this November’s general election. 

Why we're endorsing Wesley Bell for Congress 

By Jason Hall, CEO of Greater St. Louis, Inc. 

  Greater St. Louis Inc. brings together business and civic leaders to create jobs and drive inclusive economic growth across our metro area. We speak with a unified voice on public policy issues that are critical to economic growth and development in our region. For our region to prosper, elected officials at the local, state and federal level must share the belief that economic growth is a top priority. 

On Aug. 6, Missouri voters will head to the polls for a primary election for key state and federal offices. Given Missouri’s current political climate, several of these primaries almost certainly will decide the outcome of the general election. This is true in two particularly important races: Missouri governor and the First Congressional District. 

The outcome of these races will have a tremendous impact on the future of St. Louis and Missouri for the next decade and beyond. Because of the extraordinary importance of these offices, Greater St. Louis Inc. is putting a stake in the ground and publicly endorsing candidates for governor and Congress who will help put St. Louis on the right track. 

We previously announced our endorsement in the governor’s race. Today, we are proud to announce that we are also endorsing Wesley Bell in the Democratic primary for U.S. representative from the First Congressional District. Our focus is exclusively on economic policy, and we aren’t taking a stand on every issue about which Bell has expressed an opinion. This endorsement does not reflect the views of every member company or institution, but it is the opinion of Greater St. Louis Inc. as an organization and its leadership. 

The First Congressional District includes the city of St. Louis and part of St. Louis County. The district is home to downtown St. Louis, many of our region’s educational and cultural institutions, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s western headquarters and other vital assets. The district must be represented by a leader who will build bridges, secure vital resources and help St. Louis grow. 

We believe that leader is Wesley Bell. 

Bell is focused on building strong relationships and restoring common sense in Congress. Most importantly, Bell would fight to ensure that St. Louis receives its fair share of federal resources to address urgent challenges in our community. Residents of the First Congressional District send hard-earned tax dollars to Washington. We need a member of Congress who will fight every day to bring those dollars – and more – back to St. Louis. 

Bell understands that infrastructure must be a top priority, and he would champion legislation like the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Bell would work with the region’s elected officials and other stakeholders to secure federal funding to support major projects like the transformation of St. Louis Lambert International Airport, the St. Louis MetroLink Green Line, and construction of the Brickline Greenway. Ensuring that our region receives its fair share of federal resources for major projects like these is vital to the growth of our economy. 

Bell also understands the critical importance of making downtown St. Louis safe, vibrant and beautiful. In Congress, he could help ensure that we have the tools we need to revitalize large, vacant buildings, improve streets and sidewalks, and ensure that people who live, work and visit downtown are safe. 

In business and public service, relationships are the key to success. Bell has a track record of building strong relationships with diverse coalitions. Now, more than ever, we need leaders in Congress who want to bring back that collaborative spirit in Washington, D.C. 

We believe Wesley Bell is a pragmatic leader who will fight for St. Louis and ensure that our community has the tools we need to grow. Bell is a progressive Democrat. We know we won’t agree on every issue. However, he will listen to the concerns of the people of St. Louis and ensure our voices are heard in the nation’s capital. 

For that reason, we encourage primary voters to support Wesley Bell for Missouri’s First Congressional District on Aug. 6.