Released on May 5, 2021, the STL 2030 Jobs Plan provides a 10-year roadmap for boosting economic growth, increasing the number of quality, living-wage jobs, and reducing racial disparities in employment and wealth-generation to boost opportunities for all. Led by Bruce Katz, an internationally recognized economic development expert, New Localism Associates began their work on the plan in early 2020 with a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the region’s economy. A broad and diverse team of civic volunteers advised and assisted Katz throughout the planning process, along with local subject matter experts who participated in working groups focused on specific strategies. Katz also interviewed community, business, civic, nonprofit and economic development leaders across the metro.
The plan is the first metro-wide jobs plan in a decade for St. Louis’ 15-county region. Considered a living document, the STL 2030 Jobs Plan recommends five actionable strategies to drive inclusive growth in the region, as well as key industry clusters and next-generation sectors set for progress.
Community Feedback
On December 3, 2020, Katz released a draft of the plan for public review and feedback. Over the course of nearly five months, a diverse array of community leaders and residents from across the metro shared their views, ideas and suggestions. Thousands participated in public meetings and dozens of feedback sessions with individual groups and organizations. Their energy, engagement and participation led to substantial revisions of the initial draft, adding additional strength, clarity, and context to the updated plan.
Small business owners reflect the diversity and promise of Metro St. Louis.

Our Definition of Inclusive Growth
The STL 2030 Jobs Plan offers a definition of inclusive growth that is grounded in the fact that Black St. Louis metro residents and other people of color have been disproportionately harmed by the region’s long history of systemic racism, racial segregation and systemic disinvestment. For this reason, the plan pairs broadly inclusive actions with specific remedies focused on increasing opportunity and prosperity in the metro’s Black communities. The plan also calls for greater attention to those from other underrepresented communities, including Brown people, white women, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ residents, veterans, and immigrants. The plan calls for tracking progress on five core priorities that will inform implementation and keep the metro focused on the objective of inclusive economic growth.
Grow the Number of Quality Jobs in the Metro
Strengthen Employer Commitment to Buy, Hire and Invest Locally
Boost Employment Density and Rejuvenation of the Urban Core
Increase the Number of Black Workers with Quality Jobs
Expand Black and Brown Entrepreneurship
Making Progress
The release of the STL 2030 Jobs Plan is just the beginning. The focus now turns to implementation. Over the coming decade, Greater St. Louis, Inc. will steward the plan to drive inclusive growth alongside other key growth initiatives.
In 2023, we launched STL 2030 Progress, the regional effort called for in the STL 2030 Jobs Plan to measure the metro’s progress on inclusive growth. The website — a data-driven toolkit — was developed to track the region’s advancement toward inclusive economic growth goals and visually highlight the investments, developments, and initiatives driving growth across the 15-county bi-state metro.
With our collective efforts, St. Louis will win this decade and reclaim our rightful spot as a leading high-growth, inclusive and global metro. Together, we can do this.
Review the Plan
Below, you’ll find a variety of documents to help provide context for the updated jobs plan. Read the Foreword, written by Greater St. Louis, Inc. leadership, the plan overview and the press release. View an infographic for a brief, visual interpretation of the plan. And of course, explore the full STL 2030 Jobs Plan.
Download the Documents
Watch the Video
Bruce Katz discusses the impact of the community feedback on the STL 2030 Jobs Plan.
Get Involved
If you or your organization would like to learn more about becoming involved with Greater St. Louis, please contact Margaret Onken, Chief Engagement Officer, at